“Modeling Furniture” by Packt Publishing
Now rotate your view, and select the faces on the back of the object. When the faces are selected, just move them to make our model a bit bigger.
We must now rotate our view, to select the faces identified in the following image. These faces will be extruded.
Press the E key to extrude the faces, again holding down the CTRL key. At the end of this process, select all faces and press the W key, and choose Remove doubles. We have to remove any duplicated vertices to clean up the model, since we created overlapping faces. But don’t worry, with some editing, it won’t have much effect on the final model.
Another thing to do before we go ahead is to select the faces identified in the image in the right. We have to erase the faces, since a Mirror modifier will be applied to the model. Once the faces are selected, just press the X key and choose Faces.
Now that the larger part of the sofa has been created, let’s add some more details. Change your view to see the model by the front. Then, create a cube, and change the size of this cube to fit the place for the seat, as shown in the image on the right, below You can also change the view to adjust the model from the top, if you prefer.
Create a copy of the cube, and adjust it’s size to make it fit the back seat. A good thing to do here is to add more edge loops, using the CTRL+R key. This is necessary because we will apply a Subsurf modifier.
Using the CTRL+R key, add six new loops to the cube. Repeat the same process for the other cube. We have to add these new loops close to the existing edges, to control the curvature created by the Subsurf, later.
Select all vertices from the larger part of this sofa and press W. Choose the Subdivide Multi option. As a factor of the subdivision, choose 2, and we will have the following image as the result.
To complete this phase, add a Subsurf modifier to all objects. Since we’ve added a lot of new edges loops, there won’t be any major problems with the resulting object. But if you think there is something that needs to be adjusted, feel free to add more details.
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