“Making of Blue Summer” by Alfa Venus Smyrna
3Dtutorials.sk recommendation:
To maximise the realism of your models and textures we recommend using high quality photo textures from the #1 texture website www.environment-textures.com
In this scene, I tried to replicate a warm bright summer day which is very typical mediterano look where I am living 🙂
As I mentioned, I wanted to create a mid-day summer look, a typical bright sunny afternoon with a clear bule sky 🙂
I used the VraySun and VraySky for lighting the scene. When you put a VraySun in your scene, VraySky automatically replaces the envrionment slot unless you cancel.
VraySky is in pair with VraySun and gets adjusted as you move the sun.
I have used the VrayPhysicalCamera, which is like a realworld photography or movie camera that you can adjust f-stop and shutter speed and iso value which is very much fun to play and make experiments 🙂
Here are the settings for the VraYSun and VrayPhysicalCamera.
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