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“Making-of-Furniturecluster” by Mathias Koehler

1. Introduction
I got the idea for this image, when i had modelled some furniture for architectural vizualisation renderings and then thought about throwing everything together. I carefully moved and rotated the furniture to build a large cluster. This was actually the hardest part. I’ve then added a really simple environment – a room with 3 windows(at the right, not visible). To make it more interesting I’ve cut a hole in the ceiling and placed a biped on top of the furniture. I first thought about creating an own character, but I didn’t want to spend that much time on this image, so I’ve just used a chrome biped. To add some mood I’ve also added some volume light.
2. Modelling
I’ve usually started with primitives and then tweaked them, using Editable Poly. I was trying out the trial version of PolyBoost at this time. It provides some awesome modelling tools – Like Polydraw, Flowconnect, Flowadjust, Looptools, very nice Selection tools and much more.
Take a look at some of the furniture stills:Chair 1 is made of box primitives.

The curved wooden seat of Chair 2 was done using Polydraw then bended with a bend modifier. To give it some thickness I’ve used the shell modifier. The chairlegs started out as splines, were then extruded and again thickend by using the shell modifier.

Chair 3 and Chair 5 were initially Editable Patches and were later converted to EPoly. Using Editable Patches you can easily lay out complex curved shapes. The grating of Chair 3 was done using the lattice modifier.

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