28. Go back to your original workspace. Highlight “Composite” in the top of the Workspace window and add your G Buffer and 3D DOF operators. Load the Z depth footage, and enter the ranges from before. Now you have it all in one file.
29. So you’ve put all these elements together, and fixed that little problem with the material on the buttons. Seems like your all done. Well this is usually when your Art Director comes over and says, “The reflections on the phone are too strong, I’d like the lighting on the phone to be brighter, the shadow is not dark enough, and the client just called and says they want the case to be red instead of grey.” If you have not rendered everything in passes, this requires going back to 3ds Max, changing settings and re-rendering everything. Then you run the risk of spending render time on settings that are closer to what the Art Director wants, but not guaranteed. You could spend 3-4 rounds of this getting everything just right. But since we rendered everything in layers we can do most of the fixes in post. First let’s go back to 3ds Max for a few things we need.
30. Open blackberry_elements.max. Select the BlackBerry in the viewport, and go to Group -> Open. Now goto the Render Elements Tab, and add a Matte element. Rename it Matte -Case, check Include, and choose the Case Top and Case Back Shiny objects. Close the Blackberry group, and add another Matte Element. Name it Matte – Phone, and include the Blackberry group object. Now cleanup the file paths, and disable all the other elements for now. Turn off Indirect Illumination, turn off both lights, and hide the ground plane. Render the Matte Element. When this is done, you can turn everything back on. Note : We are doing it this way because if you were to do a blanket material override to speed up the render, the TMobile logo on the phone would not render correctly in the Matte Element.
31. Go back to Combustion. Highlight the “Composite” operator, right click and add a new layer. Choose Solid from the Type drop down, and set the color to red. Drag this layer below the Self Illumination layer.
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