“Behind the Portrait of Dorian Grey” by Marek Denko
When the characters were finished it was time to think about some environment. I started with placing of (primitive) simple objects on the scene. I do this all the time when I create a scene.At the beginning, I placed simple objects on the scene and set up the lighting. When I was satisfied I started to place there high poly models. Some of them were modeled only after the lights were set up. In this case there is skylight and one rectangle light with areashadows from top right as you can see below:
Here is render without textures and materials.
All materials are fr-advanced type. Especially I want focus on reflections Grey big sphere has fr – advanced material with 1,5 IOR and checked Fresnel.
Sphere 1 is standart material with white in diffuse and 100 self illumination.
Sphere 2 is just like Sphere 1 but in diffuse slot have output map and RGB level 5,0. Standart value is 1. Change to 5 will has effect on reflection on big Sphere. As you can see reflection of sphere 2 is more brighter then reflection of first one.
Sphere 3 is just like sphere 2 but RGB level is 10 and that means brighter reflecion on big one.
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