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Lace tutorial – drawing

Hellobaby |

A person who loves drawing (since she was 3 years old). Her unique style of traditional anime drawings have made her artwork instantly recognisable. Favourite tools: Colour and mechanical pencil.

Some people asked me for lace tutorial. I know it’s just a simple one but I hope you will enjoy it 🙂 Have a nice day & thanks a lot for you amazing supporting.

Step 1

Let’s start with a random drape


Step 2

Draw a “half circles border” around the edge.


Step 3

Erase the edge just now 😀


Step 4

We add half circles follow every small curves.


Step 5

We can start to add few littles details here (drop shape if you ask :] )


Step 6

Last details added for it xD *yay*

Hellobaby-Lace-tutorial-drawing Hellobaby-Lace-tutorial-drawing

Step 7

Actually it is done but you can add extra layer(s) for it if you want


Extra 1:

Here is another style follow same steps

Hellobaby-Lace-tutorial-drawing Hellobaby-Lace-tutorial-drawing

Extra 2

Here a just few sample, you can create more styles/shapes of your own to make it more original and cool 😀

Hellobaby-Lace-tutorial-drawing Hellobaby-Lace-tutorial-drawing

10. Using dark blue again

Thanks for watching. I hope you will have a fun with it <3. Take care
To get more texture for Lace, we recommend visiting site.

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