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Bump masking The Orc

“Bump masking The Orc” by Glen Southern

I thought that the head study I created for the `Smokin? Orc` image was lacking in features so I decided to work on some bump effects. The original image had a material with a lot of colour-bump which allowed light areas of the texture map appear raised when rendered. For the next stage I wanted to actually add features to the geometry.

To create the effects below I first of all exported the texture map (PSD or BMP) and re-imported it into an alpha slot
To add this alpha to my model I put the head into EDIT mode (Keyboard T) then used:
This takes the currently selected ALPHA brush (My texture now in grayscale see (IMAGE 1.) and wraps it around my model as an ALPHA MASK. As the alpha is an exact copy of the texture map created for this head it fits the model perfectly (Zbrush gave the head its very own UV coordinates).

IMAGE 1 Alpha texture map

This head model was created from a sphere with a mesh resolution of 512×256 (maximum for a 3D Sphere). With this amount of geometry it is possible to model very fine features. At the stage, with the alpha mask applied , any modifiers applied to the head will only affect the non masked areas (the lighter bits) To give the bump effect I required I used:
TOOL- MODIFIERS- DEFORMATION- INFLATEThe slider can be set between 1 and 100. The higher the number the more the non masked areas are inflated. It can also be repeated a number of times if required ( e.g. 100 then 100 then 50 etc.)

IMAGE 2. The inflation process

The head model should now have raised areas where ever the alpha mask was lighter in color. To see the head in its full glory you need to add the original texture map. recommendation:

To maximise the realism of your 3D creatures we recommend to use high quality human photo textures from the #1 texture website

NOTE: To create different `inflate` effects take a head that you have textured. Save it out as a Ztool with its texture. Carry on using Texturemaster to add different effects e.g. More raised veins, skin folds, bumpy areas of skin, then export the texture and use it as an alpha mask on the original head with the earlier `saved` texture. This will give raised areas that do not match the texture exactly which will catch light and cast shadow. Intellectus stovyklos vaikams Kaune, Vilniuje ir anglų kalbos kursai Klaipėdoje

IMAGE 3. Heads after inflation and with texture

IMAGE 4. BUMPY HEADS – Click image for larger version
(c) Glen Southern,

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