Free 3d tutorials: from 3d tips & tricks to advanced 3D software tutorials in 4 seconds.

Long neck

Long neck

Mar 18, 2006

“Preventing long neck syndrome ” by Glen Southern To complete this tutorial you will need the following: 1. Any DAZ person. For this tutorial I used ‘Stephanie’2. The FULL version of ZBrush 1.23B (available at DAZ3D store) If you do not own the full ZBrush 1.23B, I recommend downloading their DEMO availablefrom Pixologic here. For this...

Head texturing

Head texturing

Mar 18, 2006

“Head texturing ” by Glen Southern MEET THE MODELSome decisions need to be taken at modelling time. You need to detail the model as much as possible in EDIT mode before moving onto texturing. If you look at the lips on the head below (1.1) I use the same sort of sequence for texturing a head time and time again. I usually start by `dropping` (TM...



Mar 18, 2006

“Spacemonkey” by Glen Southern The aim of this tutorial is to allow the reader to model and color a `Space Monkey` head using Pixologic`s ZBrush. At the time of writing the software has reached version 1.1 and Pixolologic have a downloadable demo copy available on their site. The Space Monkey can be made and saved or exported using the demo version...



Feb 23, 2006

“Eyeball” by Glen Southern As with most graphic packages there are always different ways to achieve an effect. This tutorial attempts to show you some of the best ways to make realistic eyeballsMETHOD 1 `PLANE3D AS A TEXTURE`1. Create a PLANE 3D TOOL from the TOOL panel 2. Turn off `Z` in the DRAW panel 3. Paint your eye onto the plane as you would...

Light on a female face

Light on a female face

Feb 22, 2006

“Light on a female face ” by Glen Southern SETTING THE SCENE Firstly load the head model into your document and choose/make a material that has little specularity and a little colour bump. Colour it all over with a dark skin or bone colour. (fig.1) Eyeball in ZTool format 107K recommendation: To maximise the realism of your 3D...